Archive for the ‘Applications’ Category

All about Technical Documentation

December 31, 2009

  1. Are you curious to know about technical documentation?
  2. Are you planning to begin your career in TW area?
  3. Do you have any plans in changing lanes from your development or academic field to TW area?

If the answer is YES for all the above questions, then you must check this website.  In this site, you can find some basic know-how, checklists, tools and links, which will help you to write create clear and concise user-friendly manuals, online help files, software demos, tutorials and other forms of user assistance.

There is a huge list of useful software, useful websites too. Hope you will like it.

I wish you all a happy NEW YEAR 2010 and may this year brings all happiness and prosperous in everybody’s life.


December 2, 2009


Yesterday (Dec 1st) was my Birthday (don’t ask me how many candles were there on the cake..?).  Also incidentally or accidentally yesterday was the World AIDS awareness day. Sometimes it happens. Don’t link my birthday with AIDS awareness.  🙂

Well, I came across an interesting info which I wanted to share it with you in this space. You may know very well how much time you need to install new applications (of course, one by one) in your new or formatted system/laptop. You may need many free installable like Web browser, messenger service, Flash Player, Word-to-PDF, Image capturing/editing tools and to name a few in your laptop forever. has come up with a solution for the above problem I mentioned. Here we go:

  1. Go to
  2. Select your required or favourite applications  
  3. Click the Install button and enjoy a cricket match or a cup of tea with your friends.

Select the applications from the ninite

Sounds simple, is itn’t..?