Archive for the ‘recruitment agencies’ Category

Work Ethics

January 7, 2010

I have thought of writing about this topic for a long time. Nowadays many companies head hunt for their resources through Employment agencies (in India, they are commonly known as consultants). The way the consultants send email describing about a job opening is the main subject of this post. Here we go:

Part-1: Here the consultants will describe about their company’s profile saying we are the leading recruiting agency (I really wonder everybody claims themselves as Leaders) since 18th century and we have world-wide offices in the UK, USA, Africa, Asia and Antarctica too. Our clients include Google, Microsoft, etc…

Part-2: One of our clients is looking for a Technical Writer in his <some dept>so please send us your resumé in word format immediately.

Very few agencies are enclosing about their client’s market performance, website etc… What about the roles and responsibilities that this opening demands? What are the day-to-day activities involved for this position? Rarely very few professional agencies provide these informations in their emails.

Next is the funniest part.

Part-3: While sending your details answer the below questions:

  • Current CTC
  • Expected CTC
  • Notice Period
  • Reason for Change

Asking current ctc, notice period and reason for change are absolutely fine. What do you mean by expected CTC..? Is there any limit for human desires..? If someone getting 3 lakhs per annum mentions 10 lakhs per annum as expected ctc, how do you feel..?

In this case, I would really appreciate the western employment agencies trend they follow. They will quote their budget something like 25k pounds to 35k, they will give a range.

Few recruiters will set your notice period, yeah I am not joking.

Your notice period should not exceed more than 5 days.


Those candidates who can join within five days need to apply.

Sounds funny..? I am really surprised what kind of work ethics it is..?

  1. How can you expect someone to leave a company in five days and join a new one?
  2. What about their experience certificate, relieving order, knowledge transfers, Exit interview and other HR formalities?

Who cares..? It may sound thrilling and exciting of joining a new company in 5 days but in the long run, your career will be under question. Always one should respect and follow these work ethics.  🙂